Simplifying the shopability of products into a straightforward, and a more understood brand structure.
In the mid to late 90's the company thought it best to create several brands supported by a particual materials group. What that has lead to now are our retail customers constnaly confused about what products belongs to where and the value of our products. It has actually deteroritated the value of our brand.
Futher more, creating a better architecture will help our internally by creating product clarity and align the product to the appropriate brand.
1). Internal facing: this allows the organization to get behind the value, clarity, and promise each of our brands' offerings. It organizes us to know which product belongs to what brand and allows us to focus the right resources behind each brand to help raise awareness.
2). The service tech: service techs only care about three things; is the product quality? Is the product available? Is the product at a reasonable price? Our brand value must answer all three of these for the brand to be considered trustworthy.
3). Wholesale Category Managers: When it comes time to place our portfolio of parts onto our various customers' product data systems, the array of brands made it difficult to correctly catalog and push.
I was the main lead facilitating research, meetings, and presentations. I conducted internal research asking what brands they felt carried the most weight. Lastly, we held field research where we could use data to determine what customers felt about our brands.
Success for us was a clear sign off from our leadership team to begin moving forward with a marketing plan and branding plan to invest dollars into the brands that resonate most with our customers.